Recently when everyone around was asking whether SEO is dead, it was then that McRoberts stated that SEO is well alive and far from dead! However he did add an essential point which everyone has to really keep tab on, and that is, it has drastically transformed over the years, and thus, people today have to understand it as a branding play and not as a marketing course!
We bring for you valid reasons as to why must your business must trust and invest on organic SEO:
It is still working, and working strong: Primarily, the techniques and approaches adapted to progress and recover SEO still works. Even though, quite recently, from Google, data regarding organic traffic was removed, the approaches and techniques used still remain strong and tough. Tons of case studies related to SEO that was performed post-Hummingbird can still conveniently verify it.
- It will not stop to work, at least anytime soon: Depending on the approach and ways in which search engines are developing, it is just not possible that SEO is about to finish off anytime in the predictable future. Also at some level, video and audio searches at the end of the day will mostly depend on keywords, which is very much similar to the conventional text-based content. This is why this link will always ensure continual achievement of SEO techniques for long as it is subsists.
- It is any day cost effective: When you compare it with the costs of other forms of online marketing techniques like social media marketing, buying leads for email marketing program, PPC advertising, you will notice that eventually, SEO does bless you with a good ROI. While yes, some amount of revenue may be drawn through PPC and you may feel for our image building, social media would be essential, in many other ways, organic SEO will forever provide you with a solid foundation, reliable enough for your online presence.
- Search engines help to grasp in greater market share: Today approximately between 80-90% of customers, before buying any product make sure to check through online reviews and with time this number will increase. It will not be long that everyone is only searching for all kinds of services and products online. You too wish them to locate your business right? Well, if the system of organic SEO is not in order, people will have quite a tough time to locate you and thus move away o your contenders.
There is a surge and rise in the arena of local search optimization and mobile bandwidth: later during this year itself, the amount of traffic which will be delivered across to mobile devices is projected to mount high and it may also exceed the limit which was provided to customary desktop devices. Due to this kind of excessive explosion in mobile usage, there will be a rise again of effective SEO practices.
In fact, there are tons of companies today that are taking steps towards improved commitment and are now investing more on SEO web optimized improved commitment and a solid base, which ends up being more SEO friendly, since the engines have time and again been consistent upon improving developing their algorithms.